Rome_ Quartiere Vittoria_ Share equal to 1000/1000 of the PROPERTY right on Apartment located in Rome (RM) - Via della Camilluccia, 23, interior 9, fourth and S1 floor, conventional surface area 183 m2 - Cellar located in Rome (RM) - Via della Camilluccia, 23, interior 9, basement. Identified at the Land Registry of Buildings - Fg. 387, Part. 50, Sub. 510, Zc. 4, Category A2. Via della Camilluccia is a street located in the northern quadrant of the city of Rome, more precisely in the Vittoria district, located on the slopes of Monte Mario, along the bend of the Tiber, on the border with the Via Trionfale. The area falls under the jurisdiction of Municipality I; it is characterized by a good presence of infrastructures such as schools, markets, places of worship, green areas, commercial activities; it is served by the public transport network that connects it with other areas of the city. Property for sale by the Court. Come and find out how to buy before the auction. Announcement finalized to the sale of the assistance service for a safe and convenient purchase.